
Thursday 1 January 2015

My New Year

I called this post 'My New Year' because this year, so much will happen to me and I'm old enough to be able to do much more and I want there to be some changes this year.
I have come up with a few New Years Resolutions yet I never seem to keep them. So as well as those, I've come up with some goals that I would like to accomplish this year. Some will definetely happen and some hopefully will - I just need to keep focused.
I said that so much will happen to me this year. But all I mean is in the next few months I will start doing GCSE work in English and Science and soon I'll be choosing my options (although I already know what I want to do). I also said that I'm old enough to do more. That may sound weird as I'm only 14 but I've finally settled down and found really, really good friends who at the begining of Year 7, I never would have thought I'd be friends with. As I've got these few really close friends, I will do more things out of school and have more fun. This leads on to one of my resolutions...

My Resolutions
1) Do more of what makes me happy (quoting Alfie Deyes there!)
2) Follow the Blogilates calendar and get fitter
3) Eat healthily and eat less junk
4) Watch less TV
5) Read and draw more
6) Live my life and have fun

1) I can't really explain my first resolution. It's just something that I think is needed so I have more fun which then relates to my last resolution.
2) I really want to be fitter. I could out as my resolution: 'Go to the gym' or 'Run everyday', but since when was that fun? I found Blogilates one day on YouTube so I looked it up on Google and found out that it is such an amazing thing! Cassey (the creator) makes up a workout calendar each month that is full of the videos you should be doing each day to get fit. I'll link her website here and her YouTube channel here.
3) This just leads back to number 2. I don't eat the best foods so I really want to make an effort to live a healthier lifestyle.
4) Okay. This is a major one for me. I watch a lot of TV as I never feel as if I have anything else to do. However, since starting my blog and choosing to do more exercise, I think I'll manage!!
5) The year of my GCSEs is the year that they bring in the newer and harder tests. My English has already had a briefing about the new exams and she tells us that if we want to do well, we need to read everyday. Know I don't know whether she's just telling us that to get  us to read or whether it's true or not but I actually don't mind reading so I'm still going to attempt to read everyday. I also love drawing and as I want to do Art for my GCSEs I thought I'd draw more and practice using different materials and all that.
6) My choice for this resolution is just the same as number 1. I just want to be happier in general.

2015 Goals
1) Lose a bit of weight by July
2) New Blog Design
3) Keep up with my dance
4) Start horse riding

1) I set this as a goal because I have a school trip in July where we stay away for a few nights so I want to lose a bit of weight by being fitter and healthy which links back to my resolutions.
2) I don't want my blog design just being a template off Blogger because that is boring. I want my own design and I am already starting to think up some ideas. However, our computer is completely broken and out of use so I can't do it at the moment. I want my design to be something I've drawn so I got advice from a lovely person called 'Jojo' whose blog you can find here. We might get a computer at the end of the month so that means a new (and original!!) blog design and it will make blogging easier as I currently do it off of my iPad.
3) I have been doing Ballet since I was 4 and in a few months I will be doing (hopefully) my Grade 6 Exam and I really want to do well. Last year I started Tap and I'd really want to advance on that but also advance on my pointe work in ballet.
4) Well this is a bit different to my other goals but I've always wanted to do horse riding but I want so  much out of this year that I may as well attempt horse riding as I think that 2015 could be my year!

Well that's my New Years Resolutions and Goals! Hopefully I'll keep focused and follow them through further than January!! What are your resolutions and goals for this year?? Leave a comment saying.
In my Girl Online post, I did say I would do a Top 5 books of 2014 but two of my books still haven't arrived so that post may be a bit delayed! Whoops!
Hope you all had a great New Year and have fun in 2015!

Emily xx


  1. lovely post to read! happy new year!!xox

    1. Aw thank you!! Happy new year to you too!xx
